Midground aquarium plants are aquatic plants that should ideally be placed in the midground section of an aquarium to help fill in the center of a planted tank. Some of these plants can grow tall in shorter aquariums but generally stay at a medium height in taller aquariums. These plants are great for filling out the central focal point of an aquascape.
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Cryptocoryne Balansae - Windy City Aquariums

Cryptocoryne Balansae

Cryptocoryne Balansae is a long-leaved textured cryptocoryne that is perfect as a midground or background plant due to how tall it can get. Its elongated leaves are either dark green, or...
Radican Marble Queen Sword - Windy City Aquariums

Radican Marble Queen Sword

Echinodorus cordifolius which is commonly known as the Radican Sword Plant or Marble Queen Radican, has multiple very large leaves. This plant is amphibious, and will grow out of the aquarium...
Rotala Macrandra "Mini" Butterfly

Rotala Macrandra "Mini" Butterfly

Rotala Macrandra Mini, also known as Rotala Macrandra Mini Butterfly, is a beautiful red plant that has smaller, more delicate leaves compared to the regular Rotala Macrandra. This species is...
Alternanthera Reineckii 'Rosanervig' UNS TISSUE CULTURE - Windy City Aquariums

Alternanthera Reineckii 'Rosanervig'

NOTE: This is a PRE-ORDERED item which should be ready to ship out after the 25th of January. Orders containing pre-ordered items won't ship until we have all items instock...
Rotala Macrandra - Windy City Aquariums

Rotala Macrandra

Rotala Macrandra, also known as Giant Red Rotala, is a beautiful red plant that orginates from Southern India. This species of Rotala is slightly more demanding compared to other Rotala variations, but...
Rotala "Orange Juice"

Rotala "Orange Juice"

Rotala Rotundifolia 'Orange Juice' is a new variety of Rotala Rotundifolia which originates from Italy. As its name suggests, it has leaves that are bright orange to light pink in color depending on the intensity of the...
Ludwigia Inclinata Cuba

Ludwigia Inclinata "Cuba"

Ludwigia Inclinata var "Cuba", or Ludwigia "Cuba", is an aquatic stem plant that originates from a small island off the coast of Cuba. It can vary in appearance depending on whether...
Red Flame Sword - Windy City Aquariums

Red Flame Sword

Echinodorus "Red Flame", or Red Flame Sword plant, is one of the easiest red colored sword plants to grow in the aquarium. It is very similar to the Red Ozelot Sword in terms...
Rotala Fujian

Rotala Fujian

Rotala Fujian is a variation of Rotala Rotundifolia that originates from the Fujian province in Southeastern China. Compared to most other Rotala Rotundifolia species, its leaves tend to grow broader. The color...
Ludwigia sp White

Ludwigia sp White

Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata 'White', commonly known as Ludwigia sp White or Ludwigia sp Pink, is a rare variant of Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata ‘Cuba’ that is new to the...