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Dwarf Aquarium Lily
Nymphaea stellata, or the Dwarf Aquarium Lily, is a colorful bulb plant that is well known from its triangular leaves and varying colorations (green, orange, red etc) it develops as it...
Hygrophila Pinnatifida
Hygrophila Pinnatifida originates from India. It obtains brown, patched leaves on the surface with a distinctive burgundy color underneath. The leaves can range from brown, purple, red, green, or yellow...
Rotala Indica
Rotala Indica is a popular aquatic stem plant that can grow tall and thick making it a suitable background plant in planted aquariums. The tips of the stems can turn...
Guppy Grass
Guppy grass, najas grass, or – scientifically – Najas guadalupensis, is a fast-growing plant that is especially great for breeding tanks and shrimp tanks. It provides a good hiding place for fry,...
Banana Lily Plant (Nymphoides Aquatica)
Nymphoides aquatica, also known as the Banana Plant or Banana Lily, is a unique foreground or mid-ground plant that is well known for its tubers that resemble a bunch of...
Purple Cabomba
Purple Cabomba, also known as Red Cabomba or Carolina Fanwort, has feathery, green to purple-grey forked leaves, which are divided into narrow segments and offer an interesting texture that will...
Staurogyne Repens
Staurogyne repens is a fresh green, compact and hardy plant for the foreground of the aquarium and it was found in River Rio Cristalino in the southern Amazonas. Its nearest...
Rotala Wallichii
Rotala wallichii is a stunning aquatic plant that is found in soft, slightly acidic waters in many parts of South-Eastern Asia. Its leaves are needle-shaped and can vary that from...
Rotala sp. Vietnam H'ra
Rotala sp. Vietnam 'H’ra' is a beautiful aquatic plant that originates from central Vietnam. It is similar to Rotala Wallichii in terms of care and looks as it also features narrow leaves which...
Ammannia Gracilis
Ammannia Gracilis, also commonly known as either Large Ammannia, Red Ammannia, Pink Ammannia, or Delicate Ammannia, is a stem plant, native to West Africa, with thin, elongated, and pointed leaves when grown submerged....
Ozelot Red Sword
The Ozelot Red Sword, or Echinodorus "Ozelot Red", is a colorful and bold plant perfect for the mid or background section of an aquarium. It has short stems with large ovoid leaves that display hardy...
Hygrophila Corymbosa "Compact"
As the name suggests, Hygrophila Corymbosa "Compact" is a more compact variety of the Hygrophila corymbosa. It is a great low-growing plant that is best suited to be planted in the midground section...