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Rotala sp. Vietnam H'ra
Rotala sp. Vietnam 'H’ra' is a beautiful aquatic plant that originates from central Vietnam. It is similar to Rotala Wallichii in terms of care and looks as it also features narrow leaves which...
Tiger Striped Frogbit
Tiger Striped Frogbit is a rare variation of Frogbit with leaves that feature tiger-like stripes around the edges. Compared to Common Frogbit, its leaves tend to be smaller and more...
Tiger Nerite Snail
Neritina natalensis, or Nerite snails, are freshwater snails that are common in the aquarium hobby as they are well-known for being excellent algae eaters. They will eat algae off of glass, substrate,...
Red Cherry Shrimp
$24.99 – $39.99
These Red Cherry Shrimp are 100% USA Bred! Red Cherry Shrimp, also known simply as Cherry Shrimp, are a selectively bred variation of Neocaridina shrimp that are native to Taiwan, that...
Cryptocoryne Lucens
Cryptocoryne Lucens, also known simply as Crypt Lucens, is a less common type of Cryptocoryne that can serve either as a foreground or midground plant. It has bright green slender leaves with brown...
Assorted Bucephalandra
In nature, Bucephalandra usually grows on rocks or wood in rivers and streams - much like Anubias, which they resemble regarding use and care in the aquarium. Bucephalandra is an easy,...
Broad Leaf Sagittaria Chilensis
Sagittaria platyphylla, or more commonly known as Broad Leaf Sagittaria, Sagittaria Chilensis, or Chilensis, is a great plant for aquarists new to planted tanks as it is relatively undemanding and will propagate readily. It is...
Variegated Water Lettuce
Variegated Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes 'variegated') is a rare compact variety of water lettuce with beautiful leaves that feature splashes of creamy-yellow variegation. The variegation will get stronger in subdued light...
Ammannia Gracilis
Ammannia Gracilis, also commonly known as either Large Ammannia, Red Ammannia, Pink Ammannia, or Delicate Ammannia, is a stem plant, native to West Africa, with thin, elongated, and pointed leaves when grown submerged....
Dwarf Baby Tears
Hemianthus callitrichoides aka Dwarf Baby Tears, or simply HC, is one of the smallest aquarium plants in the world, and creeps over the bottom with millimetre-sized, round leaves. Hemianthus callitrichoides...
Zebra Nerite Snail
Neritina natalensis, or Nerite snails, are freshwater snails that are common in the aquarium hobby as they are well-known for being excellent algae eaters. They will eat algae off of glass, substrate,...
Anubias Nana Golden
Anubias Nana Golden (Anubias barteri “Golden nana”) is a rare variant of Anubias barteri that is not often seen in the aquarium hobby. It boasts very bright, lime green leaves...