Shop for live aquatic freshwater aquarium, pond, terrarium, and paludarium plants, from easy beginner-friendly plants to advanced plants. Anubias, Ferns, Sword, Ludwigia, Rotala, Carpeting Plants, Floating Plants, Red Plants, and more! Affordable quality plants, shipped from our aquariums to yours!
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Christmas Moss Floating Ball - Windy City Aquariums

Christmas Moss Floating Ball

Christmas Moss (Vesicularia montagnei), also known as "Xmas Moss," is a less common popular moss that is native to South-East Asia. It is a great plant for beginners as it...
Rotala Fujian

Rotala Fujian

Rotala Fujian is a variation of Rotala Rotundifolia that originates from the Fujian province in Southeastern China. Compared to most other Rotala Rotundifolia species, its leaves tend to grow broader. The color...
Piptospatha Ridleyi

Piptospatha Ridleyi

Piptospatha Ridleyi is a rare plant originating from Borneo that has unique dark green leaves which can develop a light green variegation. It belongs in the same family as Bucephalandras,...
Rotala Bonsai

Rotala Bonsai

Rotala Indica Bonsai, also commonly known as Rotala Bonsai or Ammania Bonsai, is a rare species of Rotala that has small compact oval shaped leaves. It is much slower growing than most other stem...
Bacopa Caroliniana Red

Bacopa Caroliniana Red

Bacopa Caroliniana Red is a variation of Bacopa Caroliniana that can achieve red coloration with Medium-High intensity lighting. Although it can still thrive in Low Light conditions, it will typically stay...
Myrio Red (Myriophyllum heterophyllum) - Windy City Aquariums

Myrio Red (Myriophyllum heterophyllum)

Myriophyllum heterophyllum, also commonly called  Myrio Red, Two Leaf Water Milfoil, or Red Foxtail, is an easy, beginner-friendly, fast-growing plant that is native to the lakes and streams of Southern North...
Anubias Nana Pinto

Anubias Nana Pinto

Anubias Nana Pinto, also known as Anubias Nana Marbled White, is a variegated variant of Anubias nana that has been cultivated through many generations of careful selection. Each leaf is unique...